The Urban League is an umbrella group whose members include neighbourhood associations, community groups and individuals from across the city of London, Ontario.
Upcoming Meetings
We meet monthly on the last Thursday of the month.* Meeting details on Facebook.
Events begin at 7 pm.
All are welcome.
Join the Newsletter sign up below to receive links, updates, grant info, job opportunities, London news, and more from the Urban League!
*Except in June (AGM), July, August and December.
Join the League
Any Londoner can join the Urban League as an Individual Member and become part of a growing coalition of citizens and community organizations advocating for positive and sustainable change in this city we all call home.
Donate to the League
The League is a registered charity and is funded through a small endowment fund administered by the London Community Foundation.
We do not receive core funding from any public agency – municipal, provincial, or federal. As such, we are dependent on the generosity of our fellow citizens.
If you believe that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world please consider becoming a member, make a one-time or monthly donation, or contact us about making The Urban League of London a part of your gifting plans.
Thank you!

The Small Grants Program is now closed for 2024.
As part of our mission, the Urban League of London strives to support member community groups and local organizations in projects, events, and initiatives that benefit their communities and/or the city as a whole. Our aim is for the grants to foster connection, equity, and community resilience.
We set aside $2,500.00 and recommend that each group request no more than $500.00 per project.