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Our Members


Real change begins when people come together to celebrate their passions and act as one to make positive changes in their community.

These groups that come together under the League's umbrella represent the interests of neighbourhoods, heritage, the environment, and much more. 

Below is a list of all the neighbourhood associations and organizations that are Urban League members. If your neighbourhood is not reflected in one of these associations, consider forming one.

Visit our Get Involved page to find out how to start your own.


The League’s Small Grants for Members

2024 grant applications are now closed! Funding is for June 2024–June 2025.

As part of our mission, the Urban League of London strives to support community groups and local organizations in projects, events, and initiatives that benefit their communities and/or the city as a whole. Our aim is for the grants to foster connection, equity, and community resilience.

We typically set aside $2,500.00 and recommend that each group request no more than $500.00 per project. Should projects need less, please still apply.

Neighbourhood Associations


Argyle Community Association

Elizabeth Cooper

Bishop Hellmuth Community Association

Scott Bridge
Email | Website

Blackfriars Neighbourhood Association

Susan Jory Spindler
Email | Facebook

Broughdale Community Association

Susan Bentley

Byron Community Organization

Dan Doroshenko
Email | Website | Facebook

Coves Community Association

Skylar Franke
Email | Facebook

Friends of Meadowlily Woods Community Association

Joanne Crockett
Email | Facebook

Hamilton Road Community Association

Brenda Logan
Email | Facebook

Huron Heights Community Association

Jacqueline Fraser
Email | Facebook

Kensington Village Association (KeVA)

Gabor Sass
Email | Facebook

Medway Working Group

Joanne Hinz
Email | Website | Facebook

North East London Community Engagement (NELCE)

Selma Tobah
Email | Website | Facebook


Northridge Community Association

Lisa Wedlake; Laura Bontje
Email | Website | Facebook

Old East Village Community Association

Greg Thompson
Email | Website | Twitter

Old Masonville Ratepayers Association

Paul Orrick

Old South Community Organization

Nicole Phillips
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook

Orchard Park / Sherwood Forest Neighbourhood Association

Sandy Levin
Email | Website | Facebook

Oxford Park Community Association

Graham Holmes
Email | Facebook | Instagram

Piccadilly Area Neighbourhood Association

Norman Sproule
Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram

SOHO Community Association

Mark Thomas
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

St. George Grosvenor Neighbourhood Association

Ken Owen
Email | Website

Woodfield Community Association

Kate Rapson
Email | Website | TwitterFacebook


Community Organizations


Antler River Rally

Tom Cull
Email | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Atlohsa Family Healing Service

Dennis Whiteye
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Boyle Activity Council

David Blakemore


Goss van Oosten
Email | Website | Facebook

Climate Action London

Bob Morrison
Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre

Claire Crossley
Email | Website | Facebook | Twitter

EarthFest London

Mary Anne Hodge
Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram

Gender Equality Coalition of Ontario

Linda Davis
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Guru Nanak Mission Society

Sarvarinder Singh Dohil
Email | Facebook

Juntas - Hispanas in London

Sandra Pineda
Email | Instagram

L.A.C.A. (London AfroCentric Arts Association)

Colin Caleb
Email | Website | Facebook

London Artisan Connection

Nyieca Hill
Email | Instagram

London Arts Council

Eunju Yi
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook| Instagram

London Community Benefits Network

Michael Corey


London Cycle Link

Molly Miksa
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

London Environmental Network

Marianne Griffith
Email | Website | Twitter | 
Facebook | Instagram

London Urban Beekeepers Collective

Jane Hanbuch
Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram

Nature London

Susan Price
Email | Website | Facebook

Queer Intersections

Tayden McKenzie-Picot
Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram

ReForest London

Dean Sheppard
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Silverwoods Park Festival

Terri Hollyer

Thames Region Ecological Association (TREA)

Diane Szoller
Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook

The Canadian Federation of University Women - London Club

Suzanne Blair
Email | Website | Facebook


David Wilson
Email | Website | Facebook | Twitter

The Reimagine Institute for Community Sustainability

Heenal Rajani
Email Website | Twitter 
Facebook | Instagram


Sandie Thomas
Email Website 
Facebook | Instagram

Wortley Pride

Kathy Bell
Email Website | 
Facebook | Instagram



Urban League of London has introduced a Code of Conduct for the safety of all our members.

Find an electronic version of that file here.


Ready to Take the Next Step?

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