Our Committees
Committees provide specific focus and capacity to areas of work that are ongoing, and at times project based priorities of the League. They enable our volunteer run organization to do more and to effectively engage our members in accomplishing our shared work.
They also enable members to get more actively involved in specific activities of the League that fit their interests and skills and/or to gain skills in areas they may not have experience with. There is an opportunity to connect in a deeper way with other League members and contribute in a meaningful way to the work we do.
We ask that all committee members commit to one year of involvement to ensure continuity and the ability to meet plans and targets. The specific time commitment of each committee will vary but will be approximately 3 hours a month.
It is expected that you will follow through on tasks and projects you agree to take on. If for some reason you are unable to, please make arrangements with your committee Lead. When working on behalf of an ULL committee it is expected that you act in a professional way in accordance with the ULL goals and mission.