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November League Meeting + Supervised Consumption Facilities

Join League members at our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. This month we are focusing on Supervised Consumption Facilities (also known as Safe Injection Sites). Dr. Chris Mackie, Chief Medical Officer of Health will be giving a presentation, followed by a public consultation on Supervised Consumption Facilities.

In February 2017, the Ontario Integrated Supervised Injection Services Feasibility Study for London, Ontario concluded that Supervised Consumption Facilities have the potential of reducing drug overdoses, improving health and reducing the amount of healthcare resources utilized. The Middlesex London Health Unit is seeking community feedback about enhancing harm reduction services in London, Ontario. Community consultations are being organized to assist in gathering information from the community about the benefits and concerns of Supervised Consumption Facilities. This feedback will be in the form of an online survey and public meetings to be held over the month of November. An independent company, the Centre for Organizational Effectiveness, will be facilitating the community consultation process and collating the data.

Join us for this important discussion and consultation. All are welcome.

Please note that this month we will be conducting the business portion of our general meeting from 7:00-7:30pm. The public presentation and consultation part of the evening will take place from 7:30-9:00pm.

Host: Shawna Lewkowitz

Shawna is an educator and community engagement specialist who has been involved in the women’s movement, community development and anti-oppression areas for many years. She currently works on projects related to education, civic engagement, inclusion, gender equity and anti-oppression work in the community. She is the founder of Women & Politics, Part-time Professor at King’s University College, Vice-Chair of the London Diversity & Race Relations Advisory Committee at the City of London and Vice-President of the Urban League of London. Mostly she just likes hanging with great people, doing great things in community for the betterment of all.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Chris Mackie, MD, MHSc, CCFP, FRCPC

As the Medical Officer of Health and CEO of Canada’s largest independent local public health agency, Dr. Christopher Mackie leads a dynamic organization that is influential in public policy and a leader in transparency and accountability.

Dr. Mackie recently chaired the Mayor of London, Ontario’s advisory panel on poverty, which engaged citizens in generating recommendations on how to address poverty.

As a champion of harm reduction, Dr. Mackie has established support among citizens and policy-makers for London’s award-winning and life-saving Naloxone Program.

Dr. Mackie currently Chairs the Opioid Crisis Working Group for the City of London. This group includes several key partners, such as London Police Services and the LHIN, as well as harm reduction agencies in the region.